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Flavia's Healthy Kitchen - The secret ingredient is always love

Irresistible Beet Humus

Writer's picture: flaviashealthykitcflaviashealthykitc

Updated: Dec 15, 2020

Irresistible Beet Humus - Flavia's Healthy Kitchen


1 1/2 Cup precooked chickpeas

1/2 Cup precooked/mashed beets

1 Tbsp lemon juice

1 Garlic clove

1 Tsp. ground cumin

2 Tbsp. Extra virgin olive oil

3 Tbsp. sesame seeds

Sea salt and pepper to taste

Prepare the chickpeas or buy them precooked. Peel and cut the beets and boil them at medium high temperature for about 20 minutes. When ready mash them. Add all the ingredients in a food processor or blender. Mix them at a low medium speed until reach desired texture.

Enjoy with fresh carrots, celery and other favorite vegetables!

Enjoy with Love!!!🙏🏻💓

If you try this healthy recipe please tag me and leave a comment.

Flavia's Healthy Kitchen - The secret ingredient is always love.

Irresistible Humus de Remolacha


Hummus de Remolacha 🇪🇸 1 1/2 taza de Garbanzos cocidos

1/2 taza de Remolacha ya cocida y machacada

1 Crda de jugo de limón

1 Diente de Ajo

1 crdita Comino en polvo

2 Crda de aceite de Oliva extra virgen

3 Tbsp de Ajonjolí

Sal Marina y Pimienta al gusto

Preparar los garbanzos o usar los que venden precocidos. Cocinar la remolacha y cuando esté lista machacar. Colocar todos los ingredientes en un procesador de comidas o una licuadora. Mezcle a una velocidad media baja hasta alcanzar la textura deseada.

Disfrute con zanahorias, apio españa u otros vegetales frescos de su preferencia!!!

¡Qué disfruten con mucho AMOR!!! 🙏🏻💓

Si pruebas esta receta por favor etiquétame y déjame un comentario

Flavia's Healthy Kitchen - The secret ingredient is always love.


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